
13.4 SEER2 SERIES Central Air Conditioning by Napoleon

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Up to 13.4 SEER
1.5 to 5 ton

Proudly made in Ontario, Canada, the NT Series 13.4 SEER2 central air conditioner provides quiet, efficient cooling for your home on hot days. Specially designed swept fan blades ensure superior efficiency and reduce noise through quiet operation. To ensure quality and longevity, the fan blades are made of aluminum and the hub is made of steel. Longer-lasting, more compact condensing coils reduce the amount of refrigerant and extend the life of air conditioners. To further ensure sustainability, chlorine-free R-410A refrigerant is used, which does not contribute to ozone depletion and offers higher SEER2 ratings. The neutral gray color of the NT Series 13.4 SEER2 central air conditioner blends naturally with any décor. For those hot summer days, it’s the perfect eco-friendly choice for your home comfort needs.

Precisely Machined

High Efficiency

The compressor moves the refrigerant between the evaporator and condenser coils

Swept Fan Blades

WHISPER QUIET™ operation

Swept fan blades are made with a plated steel hub and aluminum blades for long-lasting efficiency and durability

Sustainable Technology

Environmentally friendly R-410A refrigerant

Chlorine-free refrigerant doesn’t contribute to ozone depletion, offers higher ratings, reduces power use and increases durability


Efficiency rate:

Up to 13.4 SEER


Air conditioning

BTU range:

18 600 BTU – 53 000 BTU

Liste complète des caractéristiques

  • Jusqu’à 53 000 BTU
  • Efficacité de 13.4 SEER2
  • Capacités allant de 1,5 à 5,0 tonnes (1.5-3.0 tons available with rotary compressor)
  • Réfrigérant R-410A écologique
  • Compresseur à haut rendement
  • Fonctionnement silencieux
  • Le filtre déshydrateur le plus performant de l’industrie
  • Pales de ventilateur en flèche
  • Moteur PSC à lubrification permanente
  • Le moteur peut être retiré par le haut de l’unité
  • Valves de service et connexions de réfrigérant situées à l’extérieur du cabinet pour un accès et un entretien faciles
  • Connexions électriques accessibles par un panneau amovible


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Salon National de l'habitation 2025